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Soul sisters’ circle - 2022

Women’s gatherings or circles have happened throughout the ages as a way to strengthen the bonds of sisterhood through conversations and shared experiences. Their value in our modern-day society is becoming more apparent as we long for connection during the pandemic.

There is a sacred and safe space for women to come together, share their wisdom, share their stories, and feel held. In our modern-day society, we very rarely take the time to stop and check in with ourselves. Many of us feel we are under pressure, too busy, or simply do not have the time to look after our wellbeing or connect in meaningful ways. This linear and fragmented way of life is unsustainable with many of us experiencing mental, emotional, and physical ‘Burnout’. 

Attending a Woman’s Circle gives you the permission you need to stop for a moment, take a step back from your ‘to-do list’, breathe deeply, and ask yourself how you are doing. A chance to take the time out of your schedule and honor the sacred within you. A modern tool you can use to nourish, replenish, empower and ‘fill your cup’.

The space is open and inclusive to women of all ages and from all walks of life. It is the shared experience of womanhood that connects and brings us together. The space provides an opportunity to relate and listen to each other without passing judgment or feeling the need to offer unsolicited solutions. A space to be fully heard and fully held.

Women are extremely intuitive creatures yet many of us feel a sense of disconnect with our Self, our spirit, and our inner wisdom. In the space, we are encouraged to reconnect with the sacred within us- to listen to our inner knowing. The women’s circle is an environment where self-love and empowerment are gently encouraged and cultivated. It is a space to grow and learn together.

Gatherings are often quite varied in their structure with some being more ritualistic than others however there is a common red thread that binds all Women’s Circles together. They are a supportive and safe space for intergenerational women to share their experiences. They provide a sense of kinship and community in a non-judgmental environment and a space to replenish and fill your cup.

I invite any woman wanting to feel supported to go along with an open mind and participate in one. For anyone interested, I will facilitate a monthly Women’s Circle on the second Wednesday of the month, feel free to come along and join us.

As I experience domestic abuse, lost my stillborn triplets and later was diagnosed with PTSD and bipolar disorder, I didn't realize how much it had effected my mental and emotional wellbeing until I was out of survival mode. 

I thought that once I had healed emotionally that I could go back to feeling normal again, but that was really just the beginning of my journey. 

This took me down a path of learning about trauma, unexpressed emotions and how it effects our health, and then I discovered practitioners and methods to help me heal on a deep Soul level.

The most helpful tool I've found along my journey is sitting with someone who can hold space for me to express what I'm feeling - the raw, unedited version. This is what has inspired me to create this container for you.


This space is for you to express yourself freely without any judgement.

This includes sharing things that can leave you feeling lighter, or sharing creative ideas that can inspire us all - whatever is on your heart, we're here for it!

In this group container, you'll also receive the support of other women and have the opportunity to build lasting friendships!

If this feels like a YES for you, then I invite you to join me. 


This is a virtual event and it's FREE!

Feel free to invite any female friends that you think would benefit from Soul Circles.

Soul Circles will last between 1-2 hours, depending on the size of the group. Please click the Zoom link to join!

The circle will open up with introductions, then we will have a brief movement exercise to bring awareness into our body, then flow into a brief connective meditation, and then open the circle up for expression!

Be sure to prepare a cozy space for yourself and make a cup of your favorite tea or anything that brings you comfort. I look forward to connecting with you.

* Soul Circles are NOT a space for gossip, talking down on others, giving advice or solutions, or interrupting others while they are sharing.

* Everything shared in the circle is confidential and stays in the circle.


A Soul Circle is a heart-led monthly container for women who would like to express themselves in a safe space without any judgement.

In this container, you can express anything you desire- whether it be emotions, thoughts, or experiences that feel heavy or weigh you down or maybe you’re going through life changes or a spiritual awakening and you’d love to share what you’re experiencing. This space is also for sharing the wins in your life and things you’d love to celebrate be celebrated for!

I feel it’s important to honor the full rainbow of feelings we get to experience in this human journey- the beauty, the beautiful mess, and everything in between!

Soul Circles are also a great way to connect with other women and build a community because it takes a village to support women so let's lift each other UP!

If you are interested, please reach out to me and I will share the invitation, including the zoom link.

Later Event: January 19
Leaders’ Circle of Trust