A new chapter begins

What a whirlwind the past two months have been. In a matter of a weekend, I made the biggest decision this year, well of this decade for me and for my life. I decided to move back home to New Brunswick within a 4 weeks timeframe. 

A little context, this past winter and fall have been difficult for me. Not just because of covid and the pandemic but on a personal and professional level too. I experienced depression and real lows I never had before and didn’t know existed. I questioned my existence and purpose in this world, on this Earth. I had doubts on the career front, really wondered what I am meant to live and experience. 

I’ve also been evaluating my life and my lifestyle, what I want, where I want to go, what I want to do. Possibly the pandemic gave me the time and energy to start this retrospective work but also not gonna lie, I’m sure my age has something to do with the review of my priorities and values. They don’t call it midlife crisis for nothing. 

How did I manoeuvre these existential questionings?!?

First, I consulted. Not just my therapist but I also seek the help of other professionals. I saw two different naturaupaths and a medium. I found they each provided insight and data to help me make an intuitive decision.

My decision to move closer to family didn’t come from my head but rather my gut, my intuition. How do you know you made the right decision?! When after you’ve decided, you feel at peace with the choice. There’s this beautiful peacefulness, serenity and calm within. I know my heart and soul are happy with this. It wasn’t decided from the head but rather from the heart.

I have moved in my new place and I am quarantining for 2 weeks before I’m allowed to socialize. I’m using this time to settled in my new life, my new home. I’m taking this time to rest and recuperate from this big move. 

Stay tuned for more blogs from me and in the meantime…

stay safe.