As we celebrate the end of 2021, how are you feeling? Burnout? Stressed out?

I recently participated to a leadership program and there was a module dedicated to stress management and resilience. In that section, I learnt that I’m definitely not the only one dealing with overwhelming feelings at times. Statistics were shared on stressfulness, workload demands and work-related stress for the executives in the public service. It does not surprise me that:

  • 51% of respondents report that most days are extremely or quite stressful.

  • 70% of respondent thought about leaving their current positions

  • Overall, most executives report that their work-related stress is moderate to very high at 72% up from 64% in 2019.

These stats are very alarming and worrisome! Many leaders are close to the edge or over the edge and are just barely staying afloat and still paddling wildly under the water. Some might be burnout but keeping a calm exterior and battling anxiety and stress internally.

What does work burnout look like for you?

Maybe you are run down, fatigued, bone tired, exhausted, stressed out, don’t care anymore about anything, can’t concentrate, can’t make decisions, have a foggy brain, or just need a break from everything, including your spouse and kids that you love dearly.

To me, that’s what I called a burnout! 

I’ve been there myself multiples times. Though the symptoms of burnout vary from people to people, according to experts, the most common are:

  • Signs of physical exhaustion. These can include chronic fatigue, insomnia, constantly falling ill, and weight gain or loss of appetite.

  • Signs of emotional exhaustion. These may manifest themselves as anxiety, depression, and anger issues. There is also a tendency to toward pessimism, cynicism and detachment.

  • A drop in productivity. Your overworked brain starts forgetting important tasks on a regular basis. That, along with an inability to concentrate and pay attention, generally leads to a vicious cycle, where the workload only gets bigger.

I invite you to read past blogs from last year that describes how burnout appeared for me last year.

This year, it was a different experience for me. Why do you ask? It’s a two-fold answer…

  • I knew what to look for in burnout symptoms and I acted quickly as soon as I noticed myself slipping into old patterns

  • I’ve developed and follow a self-care routine that helps me stay grounded and balanced throughout the year. I don’t have an accumulation of stress or pressure. I deal with the stress as it comes up.

Last few weeks, I noticed I was climbing and even while I continued with my self-care routine regularly, I recognized I needed professional psychiatrist help. I got admitted to the mental health ward for a weekend getaway. A place to land, to disconnect from social media and work, to pause and to breathe. 

I had always seen my stay at the hospital like a weakness, a sign of fragility. I’ve changed the outlook this year. I now recognize it as a sign of vulnerability, bravery and courage. Hospitalization may not be the answer for everyone but one thing you should keep in mind: a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body. 

Health Canada does have good resource material for managers and employees on how to deal with mental health during this pandemic.

I’d like to share with you some of my self-care tips for the holidays. These actions can always be included in your daily routine throughout the year. Hope you find something useful that you can integrate in your life. 

I’d also like to announce that I will be hosting 2 separate monthly embodied soul circles starting in the new year : 

  1. for leaders in the public service

  2. for women (leaders in their community, work or in their personal lives)

There is a sacred and safe space for women and leaders to come together, share their wisdom, share their stories, and feel held. In our modern-day society, we very rarely take the time to stop and check in with ourselves. Many of us feel we are under pressure, too busy, or simply do not have the time to look after our wellbeing or connect in meaningful ways. This linear and fragmented way of life is unsustainable with many of us experiencing mental, emotional, and physical ‘Burnout’. 

These circles will give participants a chance to be witness. A Soul Circle is a heart-led monthly container for individuals who would like to express themselves in a safe space without any judgement.

In this container, you can express anything you desire- whether it be emotions, thoughts, or experiences that feel heavy or weigh you down or maybe you’re going through life changes or a spiritual awakening and you’d love to share what you’re experiencing. This space is also for sharing the wins in your life and things you’d love to celebrate be celebrated for!

I feel it’s important to honor the full rainbow of feelings we get to experience in this human journey- the beauty, the beautiful mess, and everything in between!

Soul Circles are also a great way to connect with others and build a community.

Stay tuned for more information and details on how to join these circles. In the meantime, my holidays wishes to you: