I am enough!!

Why do we question our worth? Why do we doubt our existence?

At 21 years old, I craved love and belonging so much that it transformed who I was. My essence, my values and my core being changed in order to match what my partner wanted. I wanted to please him so much. I wanted his unconditional love …. But at what cost?

Why do we do that?

I became submissive in every sense of the word. I even let him hit me; sexually abuse me because I was afraid to lose him, lose his love. I was afraid of being alone. I was scared of what my life would be without him in it.

That relationship didn’t last long, but long enough to shatter my confidence and my self worth for many decades to come.

I’ve struggled to uncover the real Natasha since then. What do I want in life, what do I love and need. What is my deep desire for my life, my Purpose with a big “P”.

It’s in life’s greatest trials and turbulations that we learn who we are and what we are meant to do. We grow and we find Strength within.

I don’t need to people please all the time, I am enough.

I don’t need to perform. I am enough.

I don’t need to be anyone else. I am enough.