Reflections of 2020

As part of my rituals in welcoming a new year, I love to reflect on the last year and observe some challenges I’ve overcome and name the blessings that I witnessed. I also like to select a feeling or a motto that I want to live by for the new year.

This special tradition started with my dear friend, Char.  We get together and reflect on our past year while also setting intentions for the new year.

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards
— S. Kierkegaard

Here are sample questions that we have selected for our reflections. 


  • What are you most grateful for about this past year?

  • What made you feel purposeful this past year?

  • What was the single greatest lesson of this past year and what did it teach you about yourself?

  • What new qualities, skills, superpowers did you discover about yourself this past year?

  • What was your most courageous action this year?

  • What was your most selfless act this past year?

  • What did you get absolutely clear on this year?

  • What relationship most supported your growth this past year?

  • In what way(s) did you grow spiritually?

  • What 3 words best describe this past year?


  • What’s something, big or small, that brings pleasure in my life right now?

  • What’s most valuable in my life right now?

  • Is there anything that feels missing in my life right now?


  • 90 days from now, how will I recognize or celebrate my life as it stands?

  • What do you want to get absolutely clear on for next year?

  • What single thing do you need to do this coming year to feel more productive and intentional around how you manage your time?

  • What new relationships do you want to call in for the upcoming year?

  • What creative projects do you want to bring into the world this upcoming year?

  • What is your single biggest challenge in making this next year off the charts successful in your eyes? What are you committed to doing to overcome this challenge?

  • What tweaks do you need to make to your spiritual practice going forward in this next year and how will it support you?

  • What 1-3 words best captures your intention for the next year?

2020 in review

What’s your reflection of 2020? What are your lessons learned? Your biggest accomplishments?

Looking ahead to 2021

What are you intentions for the new year? What feelings do you want to cultivate?
