How to avoid a burnout?

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.

Do you suffer from perfectionism or “efficiencism”? I just invented a word. You know the person that is excellent at their job, they always give 115% of themselves, they never slow down, they are always on. They only stop when they get sick.... well that’s me, the super efficient person, a machine. Or so, I’ve been called.

I’m not a perfectionist. I’m more like a machine. I do, do, do until I can’t no more. Sometimes, I’ve been known to go go go and I won’t stop until my body says no more. This translates either in catching a cold, getting sick or hitting a high, a mania. Some people it might be signs of depression or a burnout. In the end, it’s all the same thing, we ignore our bodies’ signs and signals of being tired and exhausted. We go until our bodies need to force us to halt.

Someone might call it a burnout, someone else might say overwhelmed, exhausted or depressed. In my vocabulary, it usually translated into my body being exhausted or my brain going on high alert into manic state like this past holiday season. 

Today in therapy, I brainstormed on ways I could’ve avoided going into a mania (burnout). Why don’t I hear or see the signs my body is showing me sooner. Someone who’s been reading my blogs could have probably predicted this mania. Back in November, I didn’t stop to rest when my body was warning me by giving me direct signs that it was tired and it needed a break. I just kept pushing and going. In hindsight, no wonder I crashed in December.

Today I came up with a few concrete actions I could’ve done to help avoid an hospitalization and this current medical leave. I’d like to share with you my findings.



  • Make yourself a priority. Understand what your mind, body and soul need to live in equilibrium ~ a healthy balanced life.

  • Listen to your body and every small signals. if you are getting a cold or have a constant migraine, maybe your body is saying you need to take a break.

  • Understand your limits and boundaries and verbalize them to others. If you can’t work overtime because it will jeopardize your health, then verbalize that to your team and your boss.

  • Schedule downtime in your calendar. Don’t wait for your body to burnout. Have some TLC before the body crashes. If that means a 4-day vacation every 3 months then incorporate that in your lifestyle.

  • Have fun, play and laugh. Don’t take yourself or life too seriously.

What are your strategies and ways that you stay healthy and avoid being sick or burnout?