What does vulnerability mean for you?

What does it mean being open and transparent with yourself? What about when you say you are vulnerable? Let me share these two quotes from my favorite author on the topic of vulnerability: 


Mid-December 2020, I tapped out at work. I started seeing signs of a mania and realize that I couldn’t keep going full speed ahead. I needed to stop and rest. And I am still not back at work. I don’t know the future. It’s with communication with my psychiatrist, monitoring my signs and evaluating my progress that I will be comfortable in returning back to work. 


The most important thing I can do right now is love myself through this curve in the road. I have to own my story, my vulnerability. To me, that’s what the quote means. In being resilient and strong, I am being vulnerable and brave. 

I don’t want to feel guilty for not being at work during my most busiest period of the year or be ashamed of my mental fragilities. I want to embrace all of me. I need to accept all parts of who I am, and this includes being a woman that needs mental pauses in her routine in order to function the rest of the time in this high pace society.

I’m no longer hiding being my label. I am a woman with mental fragilities. I’m also not making excuses for myself. I am who I am and I need what I need. No need to explain further. 

I’m accepting my vulnerabilities and I’m trying to love myself through this.


What about your self-love and acceptance?

Do you experience anxiety? 

Do you get stressed out and overwhelmed by life? Work? Family lifestyle? 

Do you experience emotional, mental or physical signs of your vulnerabilities? 

Do you need time to regroup, rest and recuperate? 

We are all humans and we all need to love ourselves through our paths in this life.